第4回羽ばたく女性研究者賞 推薦書フォーム / Recommendation Form for the Marie Sklodowska Curie Award

受付締切:2024年12月10日(火)正午 (日本時間) / Submission deadline: 12:00 noon, Tuesday, December 10th 2024 (Japan Time)

入力にあたってのご注意 / Note


- Make sure to fill in the items marked with "Required" to move on to the next page.
- Press "Save" button at the bottom of the page to temporarily save your entries. Your saved entries can be resumed before submission.




Personal information acquired via this application form will be used only for the following purposes in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and all relevant laws and regulations, except in any situation in which we are required to provide information by law.
・For the review during the selection process
・For the notice from the secretariat regarding the selection

Personal information acquired via this application form will be managed by the Office for Diversity and Inclusiveness, JST.

問い合わせ先 / Contact

人財部 ダイバーシティ推進室
Office for Diversity and Inclusiveness, JST
Mail to : diversity@jst.go.jp